Tag Archives: getting rid of odors

The Appraiser’s coming! The Appraiser’s coming!

10 Jul

When listing your property for sale, one of the things that’s important is the appraisal. The appraisal can be affected by what you do (or don’t do) to your property before it’s appraised. Knowing which areas are important can help increase your property value.

* Unfinished projects. Don’t have an appraiser inspect the property before the remodel is completed. If you can’t avoid this, make sure to give the appraiser a full, detailed description of the job and what is being done to quickly and professionally complete it

* Pets, smells & stuff. Remember: the old adage, “cleanliness is close to God-liness”. A well-maintained yard is a sign that the property is likely kept up. Curb appeal doesn’t just bring buyers, it can increase the appraisal value of your property. And, if your neighbors yards are well-kept and your isn’t, this could cause your appraisal to be even more severely downgraded. Let’s discuss pets. We all love our pets; they’re our children and part of the family. We love to play and snuggle with them, BUT we don’t like to smell them. Neither does your potential buyer or appraiser. Getting rid of odors can cost money (i.e. paint, flooring, duct cleaning) and can lead to low ball offers and low appraisals.

* Trendy remodel. Remodeling can certainly add value to your home, if done correctly. Extra storage, room additions and other important improvements are popular to buyers. Remember: high costs doesn’t always equal high value. Think about who will purchase the property. Check out the homes for sale in your area. Do your homework and keep costs low.

* Doing your homework. What have similar homes sold for recently? If a home sold for less than market value, find out why. Condition? Location? Distressed Sale (i.e. short sale, estate sale)? That way you can explain the difference in price to the appraiser. Be sure to use an experienced real estate agent to provide you with market information before you have your home appraised.

Have questions? Feel free to contact me directly at (480) 203-4364 or NatashaTRealtor@gmail.com